The risk of rh disease during a first pregnancy is low, but it becomes a problem during future pregnancies with other rh-positive babies. that's because the risk of an attack increases any time your blood mixes with your baby's blood.. In addition to the blood group (a, b, o, ab), the rh factor is written as either positive (present) or negative (absent). most people are rh positive. this factor does not affect your health except during pregnancy.. Rhogam isverysafe.itis recommendedfor all pregnant women with rh-negative blood typeand hasbeen usedfor about 50 years. although rhogam is made from human blood, only the verysmall rh pieceisused. there is a very rare chancethatyoucould get an infection suchashivor hepatitisfrom rhogam, butthis is.
Egypt's pharmacists syndicate warns rh negative pregnant
Blood test for blood type and rh status and antibody
Rh negative disease
Having an rh-negative blood type requires special attention during each pregnancy. in the past, rh-negative women were often at risk for miscarriage in the second or third trimester. this now happens rarely as pregnant rh-negative women are routinely given the rhogam injection to lessen this risk.. But during pregnancy, being rh-negative can be a problem if your baby is rh-positive. if your blood and your baby's blood mix, your body will start to make antibodies that can damage your baby's. If the mother is rh negative and the father is rh positive, their fetus may be rh positive or rh negative. 2. if the fetus is rh positive, there is a risk that some of its rh positive blood cells will get into the mother's bloodstream during the pregnancy or delivery and mix with her rh negative blood..
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