Waiting after a blighted ovum and d&c. nikileebaugh. march 2011 in ttc after a loss. i also had a blighted ovum on my first pregnancy. i had a d&c on 2/11/11. i waited the two weeks the doctor suggested before we had sex. we have been using condoms as to not get pregnant. i am going to follow what the doctor suggested and wait till i have. Pregnancy after a blighted ovum. so many people wonder if they can get pregnant again straight after a blighted ovum. well the answer is that yes you can, as soon as you start ovulating again.however, as to whether you should or not well you should consult your doctor as it may well not be in your best medical interests to get pregnant straight away.. A blighted ovum occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus but doesn't develop into an embryo. it is also referred to as an anembryonic (no embryo) pregnancy and is a leading cause of.
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Female issues | acupuncture & beyond
I had a missed misscarage or blighted ovum in oct, i was 10 weeks at the time, had a d&c two weeks later, 6 weeks from that my periods returned to normal, i got pregnant again around the 3rd week of december am now 13weeks and had a scan last week, baby is perfect.. Even after the fertilized egg has stopped growing, in many cases your body will respond to a blighted ovum just like a normal pregnancy, continuing to produce the hormones that cause early pregnancy signs and symptoms.. Blighted ovum miscarriage: i'm sarah. i'm 27 and have been trying to get pregnant for over 15 months which has been made more difficult due to pcos. yesterday i was nervous and excited to be having my first scan at 12 weeks..
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