How To Get Boy After Pregnant

This will get you a boy. as this is your highest firtility day to conceive a boy. i have three girls aged 22, 18, and 8. and we are pregnant again .and at age 42 we are having a boy! reply. So, you want to get pregnant with a boy? well, a few years ago you would just have to do your thing and hope for the best! but, not anymore! these days, methods from the tried and true, to the downright wacky are everywhere!. I believe, if you want to get pregnant with a boy you should be asking this question too. the position of sex you adopt when you want to conceive is one of the 8 factors that can influence the sex of your baby..

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Getting pregnant with a boy by using allium foods. foods included in the allium family are leeks, chives, onions and garlic, which have strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and work by alkalizing the body, thus create a proper environment for male baby conception.. Best time to get pregnant with a boy: summer. this isn’t exactly a scientific theory and it can’t be proved trough scientific facts, but statistical data shows summer is the best time to get pregnant with a boy.. Are you wanting to get pregnant with a baby boy? in earlier days, you would just have to wait with keeping your fingers crossed, but, not anymore!.

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